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    4 May 2020

Manufacturing begins on four-hour CIP set for UK’s largest Cheddar cheese manufacturer

Despite best efforts from Covid-19 to slow this project down, its full steam ahead for the four-hour Clean-In-Place system Sycamore is designing and building for a large Cheddar cheese manufacturer in Cornwall. The new CIP system will reduce the current cleaning window, potentially increasing production up to one and a half hours extra per day.

With an approved P&ID and much of the design work complete or in progress, the workshop team are ready and raring to start work on the recirculation skid, that forms part of the new CIP set – while keeping a safe distance. According to the original plan we would have been on site for a month already but have had to push the start date back and compress the schedule for works onsite.

“I’m so pleased at how well the team has reacted to the challenges faced on this project.  As early site establishment couldn’t happen, we have had to adapt and change our initial plans, with increased focus on workshop build activity primarily.  We will be ready to hit the ground running when we are able to start onsite in June, with pre-built modules that will be delivered to site and as ever have a robust plan for installation and connection to support the now compressed onsite schedule”, commented Wesley Hosking, Project Engineering Manager at Sycamore Process Engineering.

This is the largest CIP set that Sycamore has built to date and will be commissioned later this year. “Overnight we have switched from face-to-face interaction in an office setting to using Microsoft Teams for collaboration, to ensure the project is progressing to schedule. It’s certainly been a different start to a project but it’s an exciting one which we can’t wait to see up and running.”

We are experts at designing and supplying CIP systems that are operated in accordance with specific manufacturer guidelines. The design and specification of any CIP system will ensure effective cleaning of all equipment that forms part of any CIP project scope. If you have any CIP requirements that you would like our experts to look at please don’t hesitate to contact us.